Integrated Remote Control System

Integrated Tele-Link provides integrated remote control system for easy control of Audio Visual & ICT systems. Keeping simplicity in mind, the control system is the key element to make integration of different Audio Visual & ICT components easier and more user-friendly. Control systems have become a central fixture in virtually every corporate boardroom and conference room that are integrating professional Audio Visual and presentation products.

The control system provides a simple user interface to all the equipment in the room through a single remote control point. In addition, because most boardrooms and conference rooms have multiple users, the control system eliminates the need for training every single person who needs to use the room.

Everything in the room (i.e. lights, VCR, DVD player, PC, screen, projector, audio system, etc.) can be controlled from the central hub (CPU) of the control system and interfaced to the user through a touch panel or hand-held remote.




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